Vimeo is a video streaming platform with over 200 million users with around 1.6 million subscribers to its services. Vimeo provides its subscribers with tools for video creation, editing, and broadcasting, enterprise software solutions, as well as the means for video professionals to connect with clients and other professionals. Vimeo has grown massively over the last decade, and has become YouTube’s closest competitor. It is often considered to be unsuccessful as opposed to YouTube since YouTube overshadows other alternative platforms with its popularity. But in this article I’ll outline a handful of good reasons to consider hosting videos on Vimeo:

Reliable media quality 

Vimeo has stricter guidelines for acceptable videos and its processing load is light. Therefore, it doesn’t compromise with the video quality and focuses on maximizing the quality of each video using better encoding techniques. Vimeo has a much higher bitrate than YouTube.


Quality over quantity 

Vimeo is very strict about what it allows. This might limit the kind of channels that one can run on Vimeo, but if your output fits into one of Vimeo’s video niches, then being on Vimeo is the right choice for you. Vimeo is biased towards creators who put a lot of work into each video. That’s why Vimeo’s mantra is— Quality, not quantity.

Prime audience 

Because Vimeo limits the kind of videos that can be uploaded, it attracts a different sort of audience. Since you have a selective audience, each of your Vimeo viewers is more likely to engage more deeply with your content. The viewers’ expectations and response on Vimeo is very different. They are receptive to slow and thoughtful content. Even the comments are constructive, mature and insightful. As a creator, this can be quite refreshing and provide a nice atmosphere.

Greater artistic freedom 

YouTube can be pretty frustrating for those who want to create certain kinds of artistic content. Videos disappear for no reason at all which turns all your efforts in vain. But Vimeo welcomes your video as long as it has artistic value. Music is another big issue on YouTube due to the removal of videos for copyrighted tracks and any reason that it considers to be a violation. But this isn’t a matter of concern in Vimeo.

Unique features 

Vimeo provides various features and customizations in terms of flexibility. Let’s take a look at some of them:

1. You can replace any of your existing videos with a new upload without losing its URL, thus keeping all of the likes, comments, stats, and not breaking any embeds that may exist on third-party sites.

2. You can set a password on any video so that only those with the password can view it.

3. Depending on your subscription level, you can get various levels of analytics, starting with a traffic dashboard and custom reports, going all the way to engagement graphs and Google Analytics integration.

4. Viewers can pay to watch videos. You can sell worldwide or only in certain countries, and you keep 90 percent of the revenue.

If these points meet your wants from a video-sharing platform then Vimeo will serve you right.

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