Step-by-step process to create a successful YouTube channel
Let’s chat about YouTube for a moment. We’ve all probably squandered an afternoon watching one stupid cat video after another. YouTube has long been a source of enjoyable entertainment, but it’s now establishing itself as a crucial marketing tool. In fact, YouTube is used by more than half of all marketers (55%) as part of their marketing plan.
A large audience is a compelling argument to promote your business on YouTube. However, yelling about your items from the rooftops without a strategy will not get you anywhere. To prevail, you’ll need a plan, which is of course why you are here.
Tips for a successful YouTube marketing strategy in 2023
Create a YouTube channel
First and foremost, you must create a YouTube channel. Because YouTube is owned by Google, you must first create a Google account before creating a YouTube channel. You can utilise an existing account or establish a new one solely for business management.
People will be able to tell what types of content you produce if you have an easily recognisable theme. If you have a lot of videos, we suggest using an organised theme to make your profile look more professional.
Know your audience
Now it’s time to get down to business. What are the true desires of your target audience? You’ll need to answer two questions to figure this out:
1) For whom are you creating videos?
2) What are they watching on YouTube right now?
To begin, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of YouTube demographics. YouTube has almost 2 billion users, each with its own set of interests that YouTube’s algorithm recognises. Make the most of it.
Get your videos an attractive title
This is an area that you must not overlook. On YouTube, titles are really significant. It won’t matter how good your video content is if you can’t persuade people to watch it in the first place. On YouTube, I’ve noticed a few different strategies used by advertisers and creators.
Is it, however, clickbait? Quite a bit. However, you shouldn’t fully eliminate clickbait because it does work in some cases. YouTube’s title character maximum is 100, but on the desktop, they start cutting off the text around 50-55 characters. This is where your cliffhanger should be written.
Study and implement strategies that are working for your competitors
You should also learn from your favourite YouTube channels in addition to your competition. These don’t have to be industry-related channels. You can learn a lot about what’s working by watching YouTube videos, especially since it’s constantly changing.
For instance, did you know that good audio quality is more significant than good video quality? It’s true: poor audio can deter viewers from watching or subscribing to your video. There are even channels dedicated to YouTube growth and video editing which might get you a better idea at it.
Make it a priority to find and contact other comparable channels to cross-promote or work in a mutually advantageous way to expand your YouTube exposure. This does not imply that you must already have a large YouTube audience. To boost traffic, you can use your email list, social media following, or even embed videos on your website.
Let’s get more detailed about how to make you prominent. Every day, YouTube’s 2 billion viewers watch around 1 billion hours of video content. So, how do you stand out from the crowd and get your films to be seen by YouTube’s algorithm? If you’re familiar with SEO and Google’s algorithm, you’ll see that YouTube operates similarly, with one major exception: personalization.
When YouTube displays search results, it considers the keyword and other factors that Google considers: how popular a video is already, keywords in the title, and so on. However, YouTube takes into account your viewing history as well as the types of videos you like to watch. As a result, no two YouTube homepages or search results will be identical. Personalization helps, but you’ll still need to do all of the other YouTube SEO stuff to have your videos seen.
Have a fixed schedule for uploading your videos
This concludes your preparations; you are now ready to depart. You can directly upload your finished video to YouTube Studio and post it straight away or schedule it for later. There are a few factors to bear in mind when it comes to scheduling:
1) How frequently will you post? Make a daily, weekly, bimonthly, monthly, or other schedule and stick to it.
2) Consider the best day to post for your target audience. When do you think they’ll be watching your content?
Analyze, Adapt, Improve
You should monitor your YouTube metrics at least once a month, just like you do with any other marketing. Use YouTube’s built-in reports to find out what your audience is watching, what their favourite videos are, where your traffic is coming from, and more. You may also use analytics to track the growth of your channels. Keep track of your numbers on a monthly basis for the following:
- Subscribers \ Views
- View duration
- The most popular videos
- Watch time
- Your click-through rate (CTR)