Social media wunderkind of the century, Meta which owns Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, is at it again with product innovation. The company has recently released a unique application that enables the construction a unique AI-based chatbot for users. It is a revolutionary tool that allows people and companies to create AI-based companions that fit the individual’s requirements and personality.

What Does This Mean?

Custom AI Chatbot trained on your data connected to your current systems | Upwork

In other words, Meta is giving the keys to the users to build AI avatars which can be used for conversation, knowledge, or even fun. Picture developing a chatbot, which works as a helper, as a salesperson or even as a pop star. The possibilities are vast. With this, AI technology is normalized and made available to users other than developers and data scientists.

How Will It Work?

As far as some specifics are concerned, one may only guess at the appearance of an intuitive and simple-to-navigate interface that will help to build a chatbot. To the users, chances are their bot will be elaborative under aspects like looks, character or even messages that are relayed to them. Meta might also offer prescriptive templates or character models that users could use if they lack programming/machine learning skills.

Such a platform holds the possibility to revolutionize people’s communication with technology and each other. It creates opportunities for implementing them in different spheres of human life such as entertainment, education, customer support, and time management. But at the same time, it brings concerns related to data or privacy, the use of AI, and other possible negative uses. Since the use of this particular technology is likely to increase in the future, it will be important to agree on the rules and standards of AI chatbots’ proper usage in order to lay the foundation for the beneficial application of this tool.

If Meta will be able to deliver custom AI bots it can be marked as the next big leap in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, it will be interesting to find out how users employ this great tool to design enjoyable content.

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