In the fast-changing era of social media, rate limits have emerged as a major concern for platforms like Twitter and Threads. These limits have triggered debates over user freedom, data protection, and platform security. Although such decisions interfere with audience experience and engagement on the platform, it is necessary for ensuring safety and platform security.

Rate Limits on Threads

Recently, Meta’s version of Twitter, Threads, has decided to impose rate limits to deal with spam attacks. As mentioned by Instagram’s head Mosseri, there’s a need to take greater steps, such as changing rate limitations, due to the rising frequency of spam assaults. However, restricting their behaviors may mistakenly damage active users. If you become a victim of such things, please notify us so that actions can be taken to fix the situation as soon as possible. However, in response to this tweet, Elon humorously replied, “Lmao, copy cat”.

Earlier, Twitter took similar steps in response to increasing spam attacks and crypto bots. Due to widespread data scraping and system manipulation, Twitter was forced to implement new limits on the number of tweets users may access. Initially, authenticated users could view up to 6k posts per day, but unverified users could only access 600. Musk adjusted the limitations following user input to 10k for verified or confirmed accounts, 1k for unverified ones, and 500 for fresh accounts.

When several organizations attempted to obtain data from Twitter, a prominent microblogging network, they encountered a major challenge. Twitter established various guidelines to protect users and combat spam. For example, they required users to sign in to view tweets and limited the number of messages people could read in a day. These regulations were necessary to preserve user privacy and ensure that the platform works well.

On the whole, Threads is now facing similar issues. The platform is dealing with spam problems, just like Twitter. So, Meta has decided to set rate limits. Even though Twitter and Instagram serve different purposes and people, they both have to deal with spam and keep users safe. That’s the reason why Threads is approaching a similar solution to Twitter.


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