Have you recently received a notification from Instagram about “flagged followers”? This notification might raise some concerns, especially if you’ve recently used growth services like Ytviews. Here’s a breakdown of what this notification means and why you shouldn’t hit the “remove” button.

Why do Followers Get Flagged?

Instagram is committed to maintaining a platform free of inauthentic activity. One way they achieve this is by monitoring follower growth. If your account experiences a sudden surge in followers, exceeding 1000 in a single day, Instagram will likely flag those followers for review. This temporary flag simply means Instagram is taking a moment to assess the legitimacy of the new followers.

The flagged follower notification might send you scrambling, fearing your account is being penalized. However, this notification is simply a precautionary measure by Instagram. The flagged followers themselves are not removed; they’re simply undergoing a review process.

Here’s the crucial part: Instagram will eventually remove any followers they deem illegitimate. However, the notification might tempt you to click the “remove” button yourself. Resist this urge! Clicking “remove” permanently deletes those followers, even if they were legitimate. Trust Instagram’s review process; they will clear the flagged followers who are genuine.

Ytviews: Committed to Organic Growth

At Ytviews, we understand your concerns. While our campaigns can lead to significant follower growth in a short period, we prioritize organic methods. This means attracting real, engaged followers interested in your content. While your followers might be flagged initially, rest assured that Instagram will clear the legitimate ones.

If you’ve received the flagged follower notification and have used Ytviews’ services, simply relax! These followers are likely undergoing a standard review, and Instagram will sort out the real from the fake. Focus on creating engaging content to retain your genuine followers and allow Instagram’s process to run its course.

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