Holiday reels are a series of short videos on social networks like Instagram and Facebook that are shot and posted during the festive period and can include gift list recommendations, holiday decoration tutorials, or snippets of the process of getting prepared for the holidays. These reels are created to attract users during the active use of the application during the holidays and to draw attention to the products or services being promoted in an entertaining and easily associative manner. Now with billions of views daily on feathers like Meta Reels, they have become a major go-to for brands navigating for an ounce at the holiday shopping manic.

This way, holiday-themed reels enable brands to engage their audience through storytelling, humour, or promotion of holiday-specific products or services. For example, brands can post reels that feature their choice of holiday gifts or how their products can be used for DIY holiday decorations.

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Making the Most of the Holiday Season

To optimise brand communication during the holiday season, the following strategies should therefore be adopted. First, using gift guide reels is an effective strategy to boost sales because it saves the time of the audience and highlights the company’s offerings. It is possible for brands to record reels with subjects including ‘Gift Ideas for him’, and ‘Affordable Christmas presents’ among others and make them clickable through product tags hence allowing the audience to make a purchase easily with a few taps.

Another technique that is useful is behind the scenes, where brands can explore their holiday preparations, whether it is just decorating their stores, or preparing their holiday orders. These reels make viewers become interested and invested in the company and lead consumers to think of the brand as part of their ‘family’.

This might help to increase exposure and sales during the holiday season by focusing on creating interesting content that fits into the holiday context and optimizing for Reels. Through options like music, sounds, and creative 9:16 video styles, holiday reels are an effective means to draw the attention of potential consumers this season.

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