The “Add Me” feature on the Pixel 9 phones is a new AI-powered camera tool made to include everyone in group photos, the awesome think is even the person who is taking the picture is also include. This feature is mainly suitable for group shots somewhere by tradition, usually the photographer is missing out of the picture. Here’s how it works and what a specialty of this feature is.

How works the “Add Me” Feature,

1. AI-Enhanced Photography:
• The “Add Me” feature usages in advanced AI algorithms to examine the scene and make out that someone always (the photographer) is missing from the group photo.

• After clicking that photo, the AI recognizes the photographer and impeccably adds them into the photo, make sure they look normal and as if they were current in the unique shot.

2. Multiple Angles:
• The AI uses data from preceding photos or a quick follow-up shot to gather the essential information to exactly place the photographer into the scene.

• This includes matching lighting, shadows, and positioning to ensure the final image looks cohesive.

3. Editing Tools:
• After the AI adds the missing person to the photo, you can use built-in editing tools to make any adjustments, such as positioning or blending, to fine-tune the final image.

• The editing interface is intuitive, allowing users to easily tweak the placement or appearance of the added person.

“Add Me” Feature benefits:

o Complete Group Photos:
This feature eliminates the common problem of excluding the person taking the photo, ensuring that everyone can be part of the memories.

o Normal Integration:
The AI is designed to integrate the added person naturally into the scene, making it look like they were always part of the group.

o Accessibility:
It removes the need for asking someone else to take the photo or setting up a self-timer, creation it quicker and easier to capture picture-perfect group shots.

With everybody see in the photo, sharing on social media develops more expressive, as no one is left out.


The “Add Me” feature is high-class to Google’s Pixel 9 phones, leveraging the device’s advanced AI capabilities and high-performance camera organization. This feature best part Google’s persistent revolution in creation smartphone photography more easy and wide-ranging.


The “Add Me” feature on the Pixel 9 is a revolutionary tool that make sure no one is left out of your photos, with the photographer. By connecting the power of AI, Google has complete it at ease than ever to capture complete, general group memories. Whether you’re at a personal gathering, a party, family get gather or just out with friends, this feature words that everybody can be part of the memory.

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